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    An Investigation to Analyse The Importance of Using conflict management within the retail sector. MARKS AND SPENCER PROBLEMS FACED BY STAFF

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    • Level: High school
    • Pages: 33 / Words 8363
    • Paper Type: Assignment
    • Course Code: QAB020X604H
    • Downloads: 361

    An Investigation to Analyse The Importance of Using conflict management within the retail sector. MARKS AND SPENCER PROBLEMS FACED BY STAFF


    An investigation is to analyse the importance of using conflict management within the retail sector.


    Conflict management is considered an important procedure for eliminating the antagonistic feature of conflict while accelerating the positive affect of conflicts at the workplace. In this regard, one of the main purposes of battle direction is to change learning and group outcomes that may directly contribute to improving the performance of workers within the business organisation. Each and every employee performs their task to attain all the set goals and objectives, but at the same time, due to some differences and conflicts, they fail to attain the same (Storey, Basterretxea, and Salaman, 2014). As they face issue while executing their task activities at working area. Mainly, conflicts are related to a difference that arises between individual viewpoints who are performing with each other or a team. This can have a negative effect on the workers efficiency and their performance as well. Thus, business organisation requires conflict management with the aim of eliminating the issues that occur in the working area or between workers. With the use of conflict management, a company can easily attain set targets and objectives in a stipulated time frame. It also helps in motivating and encouraging employees to develop positive relations with each other. Current research is focused on Marks & Spencer, a leading retail company that offers home furnishings, clothes, and many more to its customers for accomplishing their positive brand image.

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    Background of company

    In a competitive era, the retail sector is a famous and growing industry as it provides a wide range of products in the market to satisfy customers needs. For attaining the same, Marks and Spencer focus on their employees and different departments with the aim of achieving set objectives. As there are various departments such as marketing, human resources, IT, sales, and many more. All these are collaborating to attain their targets. In this, various employees are working at the workplace along with different working styles (Henly and Lambert, 2014). This is the reason that differences are occur among employees and increase the chances of arising conflicts. To effectively manage conflicts, the manager of the company is responsible for developing as well as implementing appropriate strategies so that they cut down on issues and create a positive working environment. It directly contributes to the rising performance of employees and makes them motivated towards their allotted tasks and activities. In the case of implementing conflict management strategies to reduce problems, taking feedback from employees is one of the important activities by which they easily take the right and corrective decision to eliminate conflicts at the workplace (Van Der Vegt et. al., 2015). By this, the manager can analyse the actual reason for arising issues like differences in their view points, unequal pay, culture, and many more. It may also contribute to attaining customer satisfaction by effectively understanding their requirements.

    Importance of the Problem

    Current research is supported on conflict management as it is a major issue that is faced by companies. This is the reason that it is important for researcher and company to evaluate the same. In business organisations, conflicts arise due to differences in culture, different viewpoints of employees, an unequal pay system, and many more. All these are major issues which faced by company and it also put negative effect on performance of individual and company. To cut down on eliminating conflicts, it is crucial for the manager of the company to create a healthy environment wherein employees can execute their tasks and maintain good relations among all the workers. Through this, the company reduces problems and improves the overall performance of employees in the working area (Huang and Gamble, 2015). It contributes to enhancing the possibilities of accomplishing higher growth at the market place as well.

    Research aim

    It is a crucial phase of research as it helps in evaluating the actual reason for the problem to carry out the investigation. This will contribute to making whole research more successful and authenticate. In this regard, this investigation is going to discuss conflict management, which is used as a practice that the company may use to eliminate the issues that occur at the workplace (Rughoo and Sarantis, 2014). By doing so, employees can easily share positive relations with each other and also improve performance at the workplace. For understanding this topic in effective manner, the main aim of this research is “To analyse the importance of using Conflict Management to reduce problems faced by workers within the retail sector. A case on Marks and Spencer.”

    Research objectives

    It is an important part of the section that is based on the set aims of the project. By this, investigators easily evaluate the impact of the study on both individuals and individuals as well. Thus, it is essential for researchers to make sure that it is clear and concise and provides a clear direction to the investigator in attaining positive outcomes. In context of this, objectives of this research can be discussed below:

    • To understand the concept of conflict management.
    • To examine the major issues that can be faced by staff members within Marks and Spencer (retail business sector).
    • To analyse the importance of using conflict management approaches in resolving conflicts faced by staff members of Marks and Spencer.

    Research Questions

    At the time of executing the investigation, it is important for the researcher to address all the questions in a systematic way. In this, researcher undertake literature review that is based on different view points of authors in order to gather detailed information about the research topic (Verma, Sharma and Sheth, 2016). One of the primary advantages of using this section is to provide authentic and reliable information that assists in raising the possibilities of making whole research more efficient and valid as well. In this context, all the research questions are explained below:

    • What is the concept of conflict management ?
    • What could be considered as major issues that can be faced by staff members within Marks and Spencer (retail business sector) ?
    • Why it is important to use conflict management approaches in resolving conflicts faced by staff members of Marks and Spencer ?

    Rationale of the research

    The primary purpose of undertaking this investigation is to analyse the value of managing conflicts in order to reduce problems. This topic provides wider scope to researchers and organisations as well. Along with this, research undertake this topic for their personal and professional purpose (Dalla Pozza and Texier, 2014). With this help, investigators increase their skills and knowledge about the specified topic and, at the same time, also attain growth in their careers. Conflict management is a wider concept as it used for managing as well as eliminating issues at workplace that arise among workers. It may support improving the productivity of the company (Cheney et. al., 2014). By carrying out this investigation, researchers may develop their abilities to evaluate how effectively conflicts will be managed and reduced.


    This written material plays a crucial part in undertaking the whole study in an effective way. It is part of secondary sources that include different authors points of view about the specified topic. It provides in-depth information that helps the investigator make a correct and meaningful judgement at the end of the investigation. In this part, the investigator draws a valid determination in order to make effective and successful research (Real, Roldán, and Leal, 2014). One of the main benefits of carrying out this subdivision is to gather authentic content that directly assists in attaining positive and reliable results. For undertaking this research, secondary sources will be used that help in analysing effectiveness of collected information as per specified topic.

    Concept of conflict management

    According to Heifetz and Linsky (2017), the concept of conflict is controversial as it refers to a process wherein perception leads to disruption of a desirable state of harmony. Mainly, it is used to eliminate or cut down issues among two or more people with the aim of developing positive and healthy relation. It is also considered a practice of dealing with or recognising disputes in a balanced manner. Along with this, it is implemented within the company and includes effective communication, abilities to resolve problem, and good and appropriate negotiating skills. All these are focused on improving the chances of eliminating issues in working area and also accomplishing set goals and objectives in systematic manner. Furthermore, strong conflict management skills play an important part in business organisation as it help in developing positive and healthy working environment because conflicts are natural as it arise any time at workplace. Therefore, it is critical for organisations to efficaciously investigate the working environment in order to determine the actual problem that faced by employees. To overcome this, manager of company needs to communicate with employees in order to take feedback. With the help of this, manager take action accordingly and improve the chances of resolving problems at workplace. The main benefit of utilising conflict management is to increase overall productivity of company and its employees as well.

    Furthermore, conflict management refers to the rule that each and every issue cannot necessarily be solved but can help in acquiring how to bring off conflicts and, at the same time, may also reduce the non-productive escalation. Along with this, it also consists of exploiting skills that are affiliated with conflict resolution, conflict communication skills, and also establishing an effective structure for managing issues in the working environment. In business organisations, every workers wants to solve problem because it help them in performing their task. It may help in making employees productive and highly engaged with organisational objectives. In this regard, there are some characteristics of conflicts that help in understanding the concept of conflict, which are as follows:

    • Conflict is a process. Mainly, issues or problems are occur in layers, in which initial layer is always misunderstanding between two people. On the other side, other layers are related with value differences, differences in view points of individuals, interest and interpersonal differences as well. This is the reason that it refers to the process, as it starts with one person perceiving to the others that negatively affects their interest and, at the same time, also ends with collaborating or avoiding.
    • Conflict is inevitable: problems occur everywhere because not everyone is the same and also has individual differences. It can be related to the value differences among people that directly lead to conflicts. Furthermore, conflicts can be reduced and diverted by developing better coordination among two parties. One of the main reason that conflicts develop is because every employees at workplace dealing with their different aspects like pride, children, jobs and so on. On the other side, by communicating and team-building, problems can be cut down and worker performance at workplace improved. 
    • Perception: In a business organisation, each and every individual has their own perception, attitudes and behaviour that directly affect other employees. Thus, it is crucial for company to effectively analyse workers behaviour and make them highly engaged with firm and its objectives as well. With the help of this, conflicts can be easily reduced and also heighten employees productivity within the company.

    Therefore, management of conflicts is crucial for business organisations to establish a positive and healthy working environment. In this, the manager of the company always tries to develop appropriate collaboration and keep coordination so that employees can easily create positive relations with each other. With the assistance of this, firm can enhance their chances of accomplishing their targets in stipulated time frame.

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    Major issues that can be faced by staff members within Marks and Spencer (retail business sector)

    According to Hayes and Preacher (2014), every business organisation offers a unique experience to its workers to make them motivated towards the predetermined goals. In this regards, employees also face various issues that directly affect organisational productivity in negative manner. Now a days, employees with job are more ate risk than ever before. As with the growing list of issues are faced by employees at workplace that cut down their overall performance within the company. It is impossible to have a workplace wherein employees roles and expectations work effectively together without any conflict or issue as well. In context of this, business environment includes people along with different communication style, personalities, values, attitudes and so on. All these workplace issues lead to stress and tensions that affect overall motivation and engagement of employees within the company. As there are different issues faced by workers in working area, they are as follows:

    • Ineffective communication: Use of different style of communication is a big challenges that faced by mostly employees within the organisation. Lack of effective communication directly hinders employees efficiency, which may reduce the involvement of workers towards the company and its objectives as well. If all the important policies and information are not effectively communicated with employees, it directly leads to poor communication. This will create negative relation among employees and top management within the Marks and Spencer. Due to this, workers are failing to accomplish predetermined objectives in allotted period of time. 
    • High job stress: If workers perform their work along with full efficiency, it refers to a high job stress that directly impacts employee performance. As it increase workers depression level, mental levels, physical health issues and many more. All these issues are increasing conflicts among workers and top-level management. This put their negative impact on the employees and their overall performance as well.
    • Insufficient benefits packages: Various employees within the organisation are highly dissatisfied with their job roles because they does not get benefits from the company. Without incentives and other benefits, employees are worried about financial growth. This is the major issue that faced by employees within Marks and Spencer, due to which workers leave the job position from company and also increase employee turnover of organisation as well.
    • Not enough flexibility: It is important for every employees perform at workplace to get flexible working environment. But in Marks and Spencer, workers are face this kind of issue that makes them demotivated towards the organisational activities. This can be reduce the overall performance of business organisation. Due to rapid expansion of information technology, employees can easily access internet at home and also perform best for company. If company does not provide flexible employment to its employees, then workers may reduce their involvement in company and its activities as well. This can negatively impact on company performance and productivity as well.
    • Personal differences: Within the organisation, manager make decisions to hire new candidates along with talents and best skills. By this, they hire more and more employees, which directly create personal differences among workers due to different values and unique personalities. By doing so, staff members of Marks and Spencer face issues and, at the same time, also reduce positive working environment within the company.

    Importance of using conflict management approaches in resolving conflicts faced by staff members of Marks and Spencer

    According to McCarthy, 2019, Conflicts within the organisation seem unavoidable but that does not mean that they can not be managed or diffused at the time they occurs. In this, company is responsible for managing it effectively so that it will resolve the issues and improve its positive impact at workplace. Along with this, employees deal with various conflicts, as it is crucial to manage conflicts in effective manner. This may help in improving overall performance of workers by making them productive. Furthermore, conflicts are arise due to ineffective communication, personal differences, high job stress and many more. For resolving this, Marks and Spencer adopt various approaches for managing conflicts like avoiding, collaborating, accommodating, and compromising. By this, company can easily understand the conflict situation and also manage. This will help in improving the chance of reducing issues at workplace and in-front of employees as well. These types of approaches is play a crucial role in determining or evaluating appropriate ways to resolve conflicts. With the help of this, negative consequences can be easily reduced and also build effective and positive relationship among employees. Along with this, it also provide opportunity to workers to learning new and innovative ways to attain sustainable growth at workplace. After resolving conflicts, staff members are able to manage their working activities and also accomplish their set goals and objectives in an effective manner. If conflicts are effectively resolved, then employees can be protected from bullying and also get motivated towards the company. This may positively impact on the employees and also enhance their efficiency level to perform their work along with higher efforts. As some effective approaches used by Marks and Spencer with the aim of resolving conflicts are as follows:

    • Avoiding: This type of strategy of conflict management play a crucial role in reducing issues that arise at workplace. It is based on winners-losers situation wherein proposal is rejected by both parties and the company includes third party to take fair decision towards both parties without any kind of favouritism. advantage of using this strategy is to cut down on conflicts and also improve positive relation with team members. Along with this, it also reduce possibilities of increasing negative communication and creates a positive and healthy working environment. This may aid in improving employees efficiency level in working area of Marks and Spencer.
    • Competing: It is one of the important principle that is based on win-lose situation. In this, an individual does not want to lose conflict or cooperate and on the other side, another person will lose and end conflict. In this regards, it is not possible to maintain positive relation when employees face competition with each other to win. This type of conflicts are not ethical in working area and may adversely effect the performance of company and its workers as well.
    • Accommodating: This type of principle is also plays a decisive duty as it is accompanying a lose-win strategy in which one person gives up their thought and ideas to another person so that they wins and end up conflict at working area. Mainly, under this strategy, one person is prompt to quit and lose as they agrees with actual facts. This will directly contribute in building positive relation with team members. It also may assist in developing workers productivity and, at the same time, develop their motivation to perform their task and activities.
    • Collaborating: It is viewed as a crucial method that used by Marks and Spencer when employees are both cooperative and assertive. Mainly, it is considered a win-win principle, which includes proper listening and relevant communication. Both are merged in order to attain best and most appropriate results. main aim of exploitation this type of approach is to evaluate unique solution that help in raising the possibilities of eliminating issues or conflicts. With the help of this, employees of company are aware about all the changes that are occur at workplace. This will aid in improving overall performance if employees and company as well.
    • Compromising: It is also an effective strategy wherein employees are partially assertive and cooperative. Mainly, it refers to the aligning view points and thoughts of employees at workplace. With the help of this this technique, both parties are equally committed to organisational aims and objectives that may improve their relationship and make them productive. With the help of this, workforce are happy with their job role and also reduces all the issues that arise at workplace within the Marks and Spencer.


    Research methodology is an important section that shows a critical function in completing the research in a well-organised style. Mainly, it consists of various tools and methods for collecting applicable data and information towards the research topic and specified area as well (Hopkins and Yonker, 2015). One of the primary benefit of this phase is to improve the chances of attaining positive and reliable outcomes. As it assist in making study more successful and effective as well. All the research methods and tools are as follows:

    Research design: It is an effective way in which research is carried out. As it provides a clear framework to the researcher that assists in assemblage applicable information as per the research topic and its particular area. It includes three types of research designs: descriptive, experimental, and exploratory research designs. With the use of this, researchers can easily analyse the existent outcome of collected data. For this research, the researcher will use a descriptive research design as it provides in-depth and complete data towards the research topic that helps in accomplishing reliable and authentic outcomes. 

    Research approaches: It includes clear ways and guidelines in which researchers attempt inquiry activities in an effective mode (Kaswengi and Diallo, 2015). By this research approach, investigators easily execute research in an effective way that provides valid analysis towards the specified study and area. It is classified on the basis of two approaches such as inductive and deductive. In this study, experts applied a deductive research approach, as it includes all the important aspects that help in providing reliable data. With the assistance of this, the researcher can draw valid conclusions within the research.

    Research type: Under this, the researcher is responsible for selecting suitable types of research because it helps in achieving optimistic results in the investigation. In this regard, it conducts research in two ways, i.e., qualitative and quantitative research (Duan et. al., 2016). For executing research in a reliable manner, the investigator will apply a qualitative research approach in which collected data is interpreted by use of graphs and charts. By using this, scientists take the right and valid decision to draw a valid conclusion at the end of the study.

    Research philosophy: It is a set of beliefs and practices that should be followed by researchers to execute the research in a well-organised manner. In this regard, there are three types of research philosophy, such as interpretivist, pragmatic, and positivist. Under this study, positivism research philosophy will be used that assist in providing in-depth analysis towards the specified research topic and area as well. Along with this, it also helps the investigator in involving all the major prospectives, which is effective for undertaking research in a well-organised manner.

    Time horizon: This type of strategy is effective as it helps the researcher complete research activities in a stipulated time period. In this regard, there are two types of time horizons, such as cross- and longitudinal-sectional strategies. In the context of this research, a cross-sectional strategy will be used, as it requires an appropriate amount of time to complete the research activities. For a better understanding of the required time, researchers use the Gantt chart, which is an effective technique by which investigators easily evaluate the actual time required for completing the study. With the assistance of this, whole research can be effectively done and amend the possibilities of attaining reliable results.

    Sampling refers to a process that is used to select a sample size from a large population with the aim of collecting relevant data and information towards the particular topic and area as well (Van Baal, 2014). In context of this, there are two types of sampling methods, i.e., probabilistic and non-probabilistic methods. Probabilistic sampling refers to the strategy in which all the sample participants have equal chances to be selected, whereas in non-probabilistic sampling, respondents do not get an equal chance to be selected. For undertaking this study, researchers use random sampling, which is part of a probabilistic technique in which all the selected respondents have equal chances to be selected (Nallusamy, 2016). By using this, 50 respondents will be selected, which are employees of Marks and Spencer. As selected respondents have proper knowledge about conflict management within the company with the aim of reducing the chances of arising issues at the workplace.






    Email id.:

    Q1) Do you have knowledge about the concept of conflict management?

    a) Yes

    b) No

    Q2) Is conflict management important for the company in improving employee performance?

    a) Yes

    b) No

    Q3) What are the main benefits that Marks and Spencer acquire from practicing conflict management?

    a) Resolve disputes

    b) Improve employee productivity

    c) Reduce cost

    Q4) What is the main causes of conflict that arise among employees at workplace?

    a) Poor leadership

    b) Personality clashes

    c) Heavy workloads

    Q5) What are the different strategies of conflict management used by Marks and Spencer to resolve conflicts?

    a) Collaborating

    b) Avoiding

    c) Compromising

    Q6) Does Marks and Spencer provide any type of conflict resolution or conflict management training?

    a) Yes

    b) No

    Q7) At what level does the conflict occur in Marks and Spencer mostly?

    a) Top level

    b) Middle level

    c) Bottom level

    d) All levels

    Q8) What are the approaches by which Marks and Spencer can eliminate conflicts?

    a) Regular interaction

    b) Exit feedback

    c) Conduct social activities

    Q9) Does conflict management help in maintaining positive relation between employer and employer within Marks and Spencer?

    a) Yes

    b) No

    Q10) Recommended the ways to improve employee performance by managing conflicts at the workplace.

    Q1) Do you have knowledge about the concept of conflict management?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Q2) Is conflict management important for the company in improving employee performance?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Q3) What are the main benefits that Marks and Spencer acquire from practicing conflict management?


    a) Resolve disputes


    b) Improve employee productivity


    c) Reduce cost


    Q4) What is the main causes of conflict that arise among employees at workplace?


    a) Poor leadership


    b) Personality clashes


    c) Heavy workloads


    Q5) What are the different strategies of conflict management used by Marks and Spencer to resolve conflicts?


    a) Collaborating


    b) Avoiding


    c) Compromising


    Q6) Does Marks and Spencer provide any type of conflict resolution or conflict management training?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Q7) At what level does the conflict occur in Marks and Spencer mostly?


    a) Top level


    b) Middle level


    c) Bottom level


    d) All levels


    Q8) What are the approaches by which Marks and Spencer can eliminate conflicts?


    a) Regular interaction


    b) Exit feedback


    c) Conduct social activities


    Q9) Does conflict management help in maintaining positive relation between employer and employer within Marks and Spencer?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Theme 1: Concept of conflict management.

    Q1) Do you have knowledge about the concept of conflict management?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Interpretation: As per the discussed graph, it can be evaluated that conflict management refers to a concept through which a company tries to eliminate issues among employees at the workplace. In this, individuals must feel motivated at the workplace and also put their efforts into attaining their targets by creating positive and healthy relationships. One of the main advantages of conflict management is that it avoids conflicts to a great extent with the aim of reducing the stress and tension of employees within the organisation. This company can easily determine an effective alternative way to resolve the issue in a successful manner. In this regard, 30 out of 50 people have knowledge about the concept of conflict management, and on the other hand, the rest of the 20 participants are not aware of conflict management and its impact on employee morale.

    Theme 2: Conflict management is important for a company in improving employee performance.

    Q2) Is conflict management important for the company in improving employee performance?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Interpretation: From the preceding mentioned graphical chart, it can be observed that managing conflict is important for organisations as it helps in improving employee performance within the company and at the same time also makes them productive. This will contribute to developing healthy relations among people and also increase employee commitment towards the company and its objectives as well. At the workplace, conflict arises when employees have varied interests, opinions, and thoughts. All these lead to negativity among employees. In this regard, conflict management refers to an effective way or process to control issues and also make employees productive so that they can easily survive within the company for a longer period of time. In relation to this, 40 out of 50 people think that conflict management is an important process for the company in eliminating disputes among team members. Whereas, the rest of the 10 participants do not agree with this statement. 

    Theme 3: Main benefits that Marks and Spencer acquire from practicing conflict management.

    Q3) What are the main benefits that Marks and Spencer acquire from practicing conflict management?


    a) Resolve disputes


    b) Improve employee productivity


    c) Reduce cost


    Interpretation: From the discussed graphical presentation, it can be examined that practicing conflict management is beneficial for the company as it helps in improving workers productivity by developing positive relationships. This will contribute to increasing personal growth and insight of employees, which assist in establishing a positive image. In this regard, 20 out of 50 respondents give their views that effectively practicing conflict management can resolve disputes among workers to make them able to maintain better relationships among team members. Furthermore, 20 participants think that it may help in improving employee productivity because, without conflicts, team members perform tasks and also share their views with each other. Whereas, the rest of the 10 people said that it also may reduce the overall cost of the company by retaining employees for a longer period of time.

    Theme 4: Main causes of conflict that arise among employees at the workplace.

    Q4) What is the main causes of conflict that arise among employees at workplace?


    a) Poor leadership


    b) Personality clashes


    c) Heavy workloads


    Interpretation: Conflicts arise at every where and any time and also have a negative impact on the workers performance. Along with this, various causes of arising conflicts are also different, through which employees can reduce their productivity level in the working area. In context of this, 30 out of 50 respondents think that poor leadership is considered a major cause through which employees get demotivated and, at the same time, also reduce their productivity to perform their task. Along with this, 10 people said that personality clashes at the workplace are also a cause of arising issues among workers at the workplace. On the other side, rest of 10 participants give their views that heavy workloads is a reason that faced by employees at workplace. These are the reasons that may arise and make workers demotivated towards the job roles and responsibilities. This will have a negative impact on overall company performance in a negative manner.

    Theme 5: Different strategies of conflict management used by Marks and Spencer to resolve conflicts.

    Q5) What are the different strategies of conflict management used by Marks and Spencer to resolve conflicts?


    a) Collaborating


    b) Avoiding


    c) Compromising


    Interpretation: Every business organisation tries to manage conflicts within the workplace for improving the performance of employees in the working area. For this, businesses also use various strategies related to conflict management so that they can manage or eliminate issues. This will help in bringing employees motivated towards their job activities. It can be effective for retaining workers for longer periods of time. In relation to this, 20 out of 50 people give their views that collaborating is an effective strategy that is used when people are both assertive and cooperative. This is a great way to overcome conflict that supports proper coordination among employees at the workplace. 15 participants give their views that avoiding is also considered an effective strategy of conflict management in which people just ignore and withdraw from the conflicts and at the same time also exceed the potential rewards of resolution of the issues. Whereas the rest of the 15 respondents think that compromising is a strategy in which employees are partially assertive and cooperative and split the differences. All these are considered effective strategies of conflict management through which a company can easily overcome conflicts and develop a positive or healthy working environment.

    Theme 6: Marks and Spencer provide any type of conflict resolution or conflict management training.

    Q6) Does Marks and Spencer provide any type of conflict resolution or conflict management training?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Interpretation: Conflict resolution is important for organisations to eliminate issues that arise in the working area. This can be effective for company in improving their performance by making workers more productive and efficient. In this, conflict management training is considered an important activity through which firms can develop employees abilities to manage or handle conflict at the workplace. It may directly contribute to establishing the competitive image of the company and also retain employees for a long duration of time. In this, 35 out of 50 respondents think that company provide training to their workers in order to make them able to accept or manage conflicts so that they amend their execution at workplace and develop a positive and healthy working environment. On the other side, 15 participants are not agree with this statement.

    Theme 7: Lever at conflicts occurs in Marks and Spencer mostly.

    Q7) At what level does the conflict occur in Marks and Spencer mostly?


    a) Top level


    b) Middle level


    c) Bottom level


    d) All levels


    Interpretation: In business organisations, conflicts occur at every level and also affect the entire activities of the company and employees as well. Due to increasing conflicts, company may reduce workers productivity and efficiency to perform their task and job activities as well. In context of this, 10 out of 50 participants give their views that conflicts are arise at top level because of less communication among top management. 15 respondents think that middle-level business organisations face conflicts while sharing their views or ideas in regards to organisational objectives or goals. On the other side, 15 people said that the bottom level of the company faces issues because sometimes they face issues related to unequal pay, less coordination among workers, and so on. This can have a negative impact on employee performance at the workplace. Furthermore, the rest of the 10 participants said that conflicts arise at every level because there will be issues of miscommunication, coordination, and many more that directly impact top, middle, or bottom-level employees.

    Theme 8: Regular interaction is an effective approaches by which Marks and Spencer can eliminate conflicts.

    Q8) What are the approaches by which Marks and Spencer can eliminate conflicts?


    a) Regular interaction


    b) Exit feedback


    c) Conduct social activities


    Interpretation: From the mentioned graphical representation, it can be examined that various approaches are there through which the company may reduce or eliminate issues. By doing so, the company may easily motivate employees towards their task by preventing them from conflicts that can arise within the company. Furthermore, 30 out of 40 people give their views that regular interaction is one of the most effective ways to eliminate conflicts, in which the leader of the team communicates with their team members to understand their actual performance. Along with this, 10 participants said that taking exit feedback is also considered an appropriate way to help the company in analysing the actual reason or issues employees faced. Apart from this, the rest of the 10 respondents said that conducting social activities is considered an important approach that assists in evaluating the actual performance of workers within the organisation. All these may aid in enhancing the productivity level of the business and its employees as well. 

    Theme 9: Conflict management helps in maintaining positive relations between employer and employer within Marks and Spencer.

    Q9) Does conflict management help in maintaining positive relation between employer and employer within Marks and Spencer?


    a) Yes


    b) No


    Interpretation: Conflict management is an effective way to eliminate issues that arise at the workplace or among employers and employees. This company can improve workers performance by influencing them to execute their tasks and activities in a team. This will contribute to increasing the possibilities to attain their targets by bringing proper coordination. In this regard, 40 out of 50 participants think that effective implementation of conflict management plays an important part in creating as well as maintaining positive relations between employees and employers, through which companies improve their performance and brand image as well. On the other side, the rest of 10 people give their views that some time conflict management reduces issues but does not maintain relations among employees and employers as well. This can have an adverse effect on the performance level of a firm and its workforce.

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    This subdivision defines a critical part of the whole investigation as it summarises the entire activities of the study and provides some areas that required some necessary improvement. By doing so, the investigator can draw a valid conclusion and also improve the possibilities of accomplishing positive and reliable outcomes.


    From the above-mentioned research, it has been suggested that implementation of conflict management is one of the crucial processes for organisations, as it supports workers in eliminating disputes among all the employees. This will aid in creating positive working environment wherein workers can easily perform their task and attain set targets in stipulated time frame. This analysis indicates that the business organisation and its workforce face various issues in the working area while executing business activities. In this, company needs to effectively implement conflict management strategies so that employees get encouraged and motivated towards their job roles. This will improve their motivation level at working to effectively perform their task and activities with the aim of accomplishing their set goals and objectives in stipulated time frame. It is also suggested that business units should provide better training and development programs to workers in order to make them able to manage conflicts in the working area. By doing so, they can maintain positive relations with their co-workers and also establish a healthy working environment. However, the company should take feedback from workers while performing their task and at the time of exiting business. It is beneficial for organisations to understand what actually employees are at the workplace and issues faced by them. With the help of this, business organisation can improve the possibilities of enhancing overall performance of company and its employees as well. Apart from this, the company is also responsible for evaluating the issues that the company faces by staff members, like ineffective communication, high job stress, insufficient benefits packages, not enough flexibility, personal differences, and many more. All these become major issues that may reduce workers performance at the workplace and, at the same time, also may arise conflicts among team members. This will negatively impact on the overall performance of company and its workers as well. Thus, business organisations should focus on building teams, social interaction, and many more things through which employees share their positive relations with each other and improve coordination. This will contribute in making employees more productive and efficient towards the company and its objectives as well. Along with this, the company needs to implement techniques for resolving conflict within the organisation, like avoiding, competing, accommodating, collaborating, and compromising. These are considered effective strategies that may help in reducing conflicts among workers through which a firm and its workforce can easily develop their overall performance and, at the same time, also develop productivity levels.


    As per the above-mentioned research, it has been concluded that conflict management refers to the process by which a company may reduce the chances of issues arising at the workplace or among employees as well. When conflicts are eliminated, workers feel more encouraged and motivated towards the job activities. This will help in improving the performance level of the company and its employees as well. In this context, there are various reasons, like differences in culture, unequal pay, different viewpoints of employees, and so on. These have a negative impact and also increase the chances of arising conflict among workers in the working area. Thus, it is crucial for the company to develop better teamwork and also influence employees to bring better coordination among all the team members so that they may improve positive and healthy relationships in the working area. With the assistance of this, employees may develop their abilities to do their best and also be motivated to accept all the changes that occur at the workplace. Furthermore, it has also been concluded that some benefits of practicing conflict management are also acquired by the company, like aid in avoiding disputes, improving productivity of employees, and, at the same time, reducing the cost of business organisation by retaining workers within the company for a longer period of time. In addition of this, one of the main advantage of managing conflicts is to encourage workers and improve their performance as well. It can be effective in making the brand image of the company more competitive, through which they can invite more talent into their activities with the aim of attaining success. If business organisations operate their operations without any kind of conflicts and disputes, they develop a positive working environment wherein all the workers perform their tasks with higher efficiency. This will assist in maintaining proper coordination among each and every worker, through which firms easily attain their targets. Mainly, conflicts arise everywhere and at every level, like the top, middle, and bottom levels, due to improper coordination and less communication. Hence, the company is responsible for implementing conflict management techniques to overcome the issues that arise in the working area. Regular interaction, exit feedback, conducting social activities, and many more practices help in eliminating conflicts and also developing positive relations among all the team members. This will improve the overall performance of business organisations in the market. Apart from this, proper implementation of conflict management within the company is effective in maintaining positive relations between employer and employee that directly support reducing employee turnover of the company by keeping all the workers retained. It may assist in developing a positive and competitive brand image of the company in the market.


    I am glad to undertake the research into consideration, as it provided a range of valuable information to me and also helped me in improving my knowledge about how conflict management helps in eliminating issues that arise at the workplace. In this research, I am happy to know about importance of conflict management within the business organisation. This research support me in changing my mind set regarding learning curve after executing this research activities. Along with this, I am also feel more motivated by effectively evaluating the effectiveness of conflict management. While undertaking this investigation, I have learnt various ways and alternatives through which detailed information and research are conducted. With the help of this, I can easily undertaking the research work in future period of time. Furthermore, I also gained knowledge about tools and techniques used in research, which helped me complete research work in a more successful manner. This would assist me in providing better guidance in undertaking future courses of action.For those looking for similar support, Assignment Help Australia & free plagiarism check services can offer valuable assistance.

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